I am sucker for writing consistent well formatted code. Python PEP8 style guide is probably my most favorite thing about Python. Because Python is one of the very few programming languages (Golang is another) that prescribe a specific style guide.

Ruby, Javascript, C, C++ and Java don’t have such a prescribed style guide, and the project / organization that is using the language has to establish their own style guides.

Formatting issues are the most contentious but the least consequential. People can adapt to different formatting styles but it’s better if they don’t have to, and less time is devoted to the topic if everyone adheres to the same style.

So, if a programming language prescribes a style guide then you can approach this formatting Utopia. Well atleast for Python and Golang it’s possible.

In this article I am going to cover how to setup Emacs such that you can write well formatted Python code easily without having to memorize PEP8 style guide. Here are the two features needed to achieve this:

  • real time formatting checks shows style voilations in the emacs buffer as you code.
  • auto formatting allows you to quickly fix all style voilations in a file with a single command.

Emacs with Flycheck and Flake8

Install Requirements

For setting up real time formatting checks, we will install flycheck package in emacs. And along with that we will install flake8 python package.

And for setting up auto formating, we will need py-autopep8 emacs package from MELPA. And along with that we will install pep8 python package.

Install Python Packages

pip install flake8
pip install pep8

Setup MELPA on Emacs

(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/") t)

Install Emacs Packages

;; flycheck
(unless (package-installed-p 'flycheck)
  (package-install 'flycheck))

;; autopep8
(unless (package-installed-p 'py-autopep8)
  (package-install 'py-autopep8))

Setup Exec Path in Emacs

I have installed Python through anaconda from homebrew. Your setup might be different, so make necessary modifications.

(setenv "CONDA_PREFIX"  "/opt/homebrew/anaconda3")
(setq pip-bin-dir (expand-file-name "bin" (getenv "CONDA_PREFIX")))
(setenv "PATH" (concat (getenv "PATH") ":" pip-bin-dir))
(setq exec-path (append exec-path '(pip-bin-dir)))

Configure Real-time Formatting Checks

;; enable flycheck when python mode is enabled
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'flycheck-mode)

;; set location of flake8 executable
(setq flycheck-python-flake8-executable
      (expand-file-name "flake8" conda-bin-dir))

(with-eval-after-load 'flycheck
  (lambda ()
    (if (derived-mode-p 'python-mode)
	 ;; setup ~/.flake8 config file
	 (setq-default flycheck-flake8rc
		       (expand-file-name ".flake8" (getenv "HOME")))
	 ;; disable python-mypy and python-pylint and
	 ;; only keep python-flake8
	 (setq-default flycheck-disabled-checkers
		       '(python-mypy python-pylint))
	 ;; select python-flake8 checker
	 (flycheck-select-checker 'python-flake8))

;; optionally, set a keyboard shortcut to show list of errors
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c f l") 'flycheck-list-errors)

Also, create the ~/.flake8 file.

ignore = F

This will disable all flakes in flake8, and only keep PEP8 checks.

Configure Auto Formatting

;; set keyboard shortcut to auto format current buffer
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
	    (local-set-key (kbd "C-c C-f") 'py-autopep8-buffer)))

;; optionally, enable auto formatting on save (not recommended)
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'py-autopep8-enable-on-save)

And that’s it. You are all set to start writing well formatted Python code in Emacs.