Shiv Deepak Muddada has been coding since high school and has over 20 years of programming experience. He has a strong background as an individual contributor and leader of software engineering teams and has built and managed high-performance product engineering teams. Throughout his professional career, he has predominantly focused on building and growing startups.

Shiv advocates creating software that is self-sustaining and capable of growing autonomously. In his previous roles, he worked extensively in Product-Led Growth, Gamification, Growth Hacking, and Cloud Cost Optimization.

He had the privilege of joining HackerRank (YC S11), India’s first Y Combinator aka. YC startup, during its early stages. Shiv contributed significantly to its growth, helping it growth from a seed-stage startup with $0 ARR to an enterprise with tens of millions in ARR.

Shiv is passionate about open-source software. During his school years, he contributed to the open-source project Sahana Eden and was selected for the prestigious Google Summer of Code (GSoC) in 2011. This program accepts only about 1,000 students worldwide each year.

In recent years, Shiv has built two startups. One was a smart home device that was built in public and successfully raised crowdfunding. The other was an Intelligent Email for Sales, which was part of Techstars NYC'23 and achieved recognition as the #4 product of the day on Product Hunt.

Shiv is experienced in a wide range of tech stacks and has a particular affinity for Python, Ruby, and JavaScript. He is currently learning Rust. He advocates serverless architecture and has deep expertise in leveraging public cloud services like AWS and GCP.

He currently consults with SaaS startups and is open to collaborating on technical content.

Previous Roles:

  • Co-Founder & CTO at Touch AI (Techstars NYC'23) (Intelligent Email for Sales)
  • Founder of Aeroh (Smart Home IoT Startup)
  • Employee #1 at HackerRank (YC S11) (World’s No. 1 Technical Assessment Platform)
  • Student Developer, Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2011